Saturday, January 10, 2015

2014.. 2015 day 10

new year new year.. yer yer yer

2014....Tawau my youngest brother the last to marry (excluding me) all aboard from Membakut to Tawau.. hari raya full house except the newly-wed.. living less than 100 meters from  my parents.. Garama river twice..thrice? with cousins and nephews and nieces .. an overnight stay at the resort, 2 days before the last of 2014 days.. as the year come to an end .. thieves broke into my house ..Alhamdulillah thankfully that nothing important was taken but i was pretty mad because they broke the window (my aunt's house as well).. but after few days i realized what was lost was not really mine to have actually.. so therefore i decided to 'return' what is not mine - time. and that i have to lock myself behind bars. my parents ask me to install window grilles..

2015... discipline integrity perseverance organized
be a father/mother an uncle/aunt a brother/sister a son/daughter to my family
travel.. far?
read books
write - food diary.. things i want to do.. stick on notes.. (i feel like my memory is deteriorating. it is like more to short-term memory loss which might caused by lack of B12 in the blood.. lost focus or too multitasking or and  stress. i forgot to shut the car windows! it was like one scene was cut off and in what scene that event happen.. i forgot the keys when i go out more than 3 times.. i forgot at least one of three things i want to do.. is that multitasking? i dont know why but i was just trying to save time by doing things along the way.. it is like going from point a to b.. and things you want to do can be done while you are on your way to point b.)
drive a manual car (my legs are too short to reach the pedals -_- hahahhaaha)
and perhaps hundreds other things i want to do and accomplish this year.

happy new year!

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