day 1: lunch with 7 spoonful of rice
day 2: lunch with NASI AYAM !! it seems like i am against my goal :p
day 3: breakfast meehoon 1 plate full dinner with kuetiau radna tauchu taste
day 4: breakfast fried rice and plain rice 6 spoonful burger daging+egg
day 5: light stretching in the morning brunch buns lemon tea season canned coffee lunch 7 spoonful rice kangkung with belacan! ♥♥♥ fried chicken ☺ unplanned trip to Garama River ☺☻♥ magi ayam egg fried chicken
day 6: lunch 5 spoonful rice chicken curry cabbages.. pau butter 2.. buns n cucur ubi keledek dinner nasi 4 spoonful kangkung belacan! cheese cake ☻
day 7: late breakfast mee goreng daging chicken wings kuih22!! teh tarik teh teh O.. mushroom soup teh C and ...i wreck my sister's car -_-
day 8: brunch nasi lemak 8~9 spoonful sup kosong ayam daging.,.. lemon tea ♥♥♥♥
day 9 : no liquid until 10 am.. 1 mug of tea n 1 piece of pulut kuih kerepek pisang..4pm 3 pisang goreng...plenty of water..5 pm kui siput.. dinner sup..lauk salai cucur udangx5 sos white coffee classic
day 10: drink water karipap2 bingka cempiang seri muka tea o lunch kue tiau baksao..berubut..tea c tea c mee goreng kerepek pisang ....there i go again..going against my goal (0_0)
day 11: i told myself to not eat today and just drink plain water if i got hungry.. but i failed at 11.40 am with the unusual heat outside i ate 5 skewered fish balls lobster balls chicken and hati buya sapi chewy! kerepok lekor a glass of iced cincau...taufufa and tauhu! but i do think i need to eat because the heat gave me an headache @_O pisang grg x10 keropok lekorwhite coffee clasic tauhu goreng
day 12 : breakfast indomi telur goreng plain tea lunch fish head stew cucur bubuk x7 white coffee classic..dinner nasi spangaut gulaian n lauk berabus...tea o x gula.. nasi sepangaut gulaian lauk berabus tea o
day 13: roti gardenia panjang 1,. brunch nasi lemak teh.. lunch nasi sepangaut gulaian kacang pnjg 3 round telur berabus 2 biji,,a crazy tea time.. roti bijiran 1 cencaluk lauk goreng ayam kicap 1 kui piang 2 tea lauk masin gulaian.. super full stomach.. maybe because bagi bengkel half day batah sudah suara nda kuat2.. mcm kan waa... ayung jua kapala ani.. panas lgi cuaca..
day 14: i failed my goal ..i had milk tea and soto campur for breakfast.. i had nasi ayam lalap and tomyam soup and tea C special for lunch i am super full i can see that :p
day 15: sahur nasi spgaut telur goreng a bit of cheese cake.. sungkai nasi kuning 2 pengaut ayam kurma jeruk timun tea pisang grg 1 cendol buah
day 16: in two weeks i think ive gained more than i lost since last month,..i planned to fast today but till subuh came i'm undecided so im not fasting today..i end up having 2 glass of express milo and 3 big bites of cracker cheese cake.. and told myself to not until for 4 hours passed.. but then again i failed.. a friend asked me to go breakfast with her at the canteen.. i ordered sup campur without mee...minutes later 2 kuih.. next later i found myself eating fried rice sepangaut and chicken wings!.. tea afterwards... it hurt a bit when people say i should jog in the morning on weekends,, obviously saying that i am way too fat.. i lost the motivation that i once had in 2007 ~ i succeeded in gaining 47 kilograms than in 7 years i gained 23 kilos more... "dear me, please help me!!" lunch spenfaut nasi lots of terung masak merah kari ayam moderate :p 1 kui.. early dinner twiggies 1 air tin tebu mee halus terung banyak kari ayam aikit lauk girgebg sbesar sudu makan kubis lbh kurang nasi sikit...sikit2 jd fat p(-_-)q
day 17:... so far only water..tapai 2 cucur bubuk junior 2 teh o pulut panggang ambuyat gulaian sikit2 lauk berabus lunch nasi sepangaut peria telur mata karabau sayap goreng lemon tea suam kui pisang 3

day 27: mee goreng telur mata lemon tea half karipap tea o cheese cup cincau tin drinho pisang cheese x12 white coffee classic jagung 2 kangkung blacan 1/4 lauk goreng lauk brabus bsr ibujari flat tea O 2 bun bakso campur mee kuning lemon tea suam sayap ayam 1 2 sate ayam 2 cupcake
day 28: big breakfast black coffee white coffee classic

that big yes! nyum nyum :p late lunch fish head soup kue tiau cuppucino rsturan old town bupot
day 29: mee goreng ayam goreng telur mata karabau lemon tea cupcake cheese teh o ayam kurma damit 2 teh susu mug avon bun tausa 1 famous amos black cookies 7 dinner gulaian lauk goreng yogurt apolo cake 2 tea potato chips (!!)
day 30: in a month i've been eating as usual without any positive movements to reach my goal.. saying no to rice is not easy as 1 2 3 or saying no to noodles is so hard,.. so what i had today for breakfast tea o krepek pisang half portion of boiled egg sambal bilis a mug of teh susu burger malaysia 1 and 1 quarter sosej gulung fried bun x2 with sambal bilis a spoonful of sayur sawi chicken and half tauhu sumbat chicken lemon tea and 1 butter pau.. after briefing this afternoon i had 1 kui galang 2 pisang goreng 3 popia and chilli sauce and teh susu..i am full with junks! in 7 years i gained 20 kg! losing it wont be as flushing the toilet bowl... with a much better plan and constant exercising like i did in 2007 losing a kilo a month is a TOTAL BIG SUCCESS!! it was sweet
days after the last day 30.. eating without desiring for rice comes naturally..
my weight caused my lil brother's small car's front tyre flat... well thats what he said
today more than 3 old colleagues said i'm round meaning i am big fat human...
today i hear that not eating rice might cause you a bad health.. but that example was caused for drinking coke and fast foods like piza fried chicken burger ..
today i have to be really really strong and believe in myself and tell myself.. the world is seeing me as ugly and overweight.. but i know that i am right working myself to make all the correction all over again.. insyaAllah
days after the last which not eating rice comes naturally...i failed.
a taste of rice makes you want for another... and i think well making an early assumptions that if i eat rice i tend to building up mucus in my throat and i cough.. so now i decide to not to eat rice again and see if it is really the reason.. experimenting myself for a better health
day 5: light stretching in the morning brunch buns lemon tea season canned coffee lunch 7 spoonful rice kangkung with belacan! ♥♥♥ fried chicken ☺ unplanned trip to Garama River ☺☻♥ magi ayam egg fried chicken
day 6: lunch 5 spoonful rice chicken curry cabbages.. pau butter 2.. buns n cucur ubi keledek dinner nasi 4 spoonful kangkung belacan! cheese cake ☻
day 7: late breakfast mee goreng daging chicken wings kuih22!! teh tarik teh teh O.. mushroom soup teh C and ...i wreck my sister's car -_-
day 8: brunch nasi lemak 8~9 spoonful sup kosong ayam daging.,.. lemon tea ♥♥♥♥
day 9 : no liquid until 10 am.. 1 mug of tea n 1 piece of pulut kuih kerepek pisang..4pm 3 pisang goreng...plenty of water..5 pm kui siput.. dinner sup..lauk salai cucur udangx5 sos white coffee classic
day 10: drink water karipap2 bingka cempiang seri muka tea o lunch kue tiau baksao..berubut..tea c tea c mee goreng kerepek pisang ....there i go again..going against my goal (0_0)
day 11: i told myself to not eat today and just drink plain water if i got hungry.. but i failed at 11.40 am with the unusual heat outside i ate 5 skewered fish balls lobster balls chicken and hati buya sapi chewy! kerepok lekor a glass of iced cincau...taufufa and tauhu! but i do think i need to eat because the heat gave me an headache @_O pisang grg x10 keropok lekorwhite coffee clasic tauhu goreng
day 12 : breakfast indomi telur goreng plain tea lunch fish head stew cucur bubuk x7 white coffee classic..dinner nasi spangaut gulaian n lauk berabus...tea o x gula.. nasi sepangaut gulaian lauk berabus tea o
day 13: roti gardenia panjang 1,. brunch nasi lemak teh.. lunch nasi sepangaut gulaian kacang pnjg 3 round telur berabus 2 biji,,a crazy tea time.. roti bijiran 1 cencaluk lauk goreng ayam kicap 1 kui piang 2 tea lauk masin gulaian.. super full stomach.. maybe because bagi bengkel half day batah sudah suara nda kuat2.. mcm kan waa... ayung jua kapala ani.. panas lgi cuaca..
day 14: i failed my goal ..i had milk tea and soto campur for breakfast.. i had nasi ayam lalap and tomyam soup and tea C special for lunch i am super full i can see that :p
day 15: sahur nasi spgaut telur goreng a bit of cheese cake.. sungkai nasi kuning 2 pengaut ayam kurma jeruk timun tea pisang grg 1 cendol buah
day 16: in two weeks i think ive gained more than i lost since last month,..i planned to fast today but till subuh came i'm undecided so im not fasting today..i end up having 2 glass of express milo and 3 big bites of cracker cheese cake.. and told myself to not until for 4 hours passed.. but then again i failed.. a friend asked me to go breakfast with her at the canteen.. i ordered sup campur without mee...minutes later 2 kuih.. next later i found myself eating fried rice sepangaut and chicken wings!.. tea afterwards... it hurt a bit when people say i should jog in the morning on weekends,, obviously saying that i am way too fat.. i lost the motivation that i once had in 2007 ~ i succeeded in gaining 47 kilograms than in 7 years i gained 23 kilos more... "dear me, please help me!!" lunch spenfaut nasi lots of terung masak merah kari ayam moderate :p 1 kui.. early dinner twiggies 1 air tin tebu mee halus terung banyak kari ayam aikit lauk girgebg sbesar sudu makan kubis lbh kurang nasi sikit...sikit2 jd fat p(-_-)q
day 17:... so far only water..tapai 2 cucur bubuk junior 2 teh o pulut panggang ambuyat gulaian sikit2 lauk berabus lunch nasi sepangaut peria telur mata karabau sayap goreng lemon tea suam kui pisang 3

dinner..soto sgera..
day 18: brunch mee grg teh susu...early lunch nasi spangut lauk bsalai belacan kangkung... sotong ayam kicap.. dinner nasi spangaut kangkung timun blcan lauk masin telur bubuk... *hoping the best for mas flight mh37o from kl to beijing that went missing.. no news of finding it yet.
day 19: it is not easy to say no to rice when i start eating it again...had 2 little tausa buns nasi ayam lunch watermelon cucur pisang ucucur ubi.. still no confirm news of the whereabouts of mh37o..berdoa mudah2an Allah mempermudahkan misi pencarian.. tea time..tea cucur pisang cucur ubi manis x10.. dinner nasi 2 pngaut sotong timun lauk goreng.. selesma skrg ni..
day 20: soto campur karipap2 kui flat merah inti kacang 1 warm lemon tea for late breakfast lunch pnyaram 1 kui lapis putih perpurle kacang panjang 2 pngaut ayam kari tea time teh o manis (!!) putri mandi 1 kui pelita 2 dinner..kangkung timun blacan lots of it.. tenggiri kari dan goreng ♥ potato chips tea coconut cream bun
day 21: kue tiau goreng daging maushroom soup bracoli salty teh C ,,popia 1
dinner gulaian sawi sekudut belacan lauk goreng sup ayam mlo kotak damit bun 2 mlm bun 1 stangah tea
day 22: tea o mee goreng c mimi bun half coklat cookie half brunch teh susu karipap bom campiang..late lunch sup campur kosong lemon tea suam kui pisang 3 sup ayam sma mee kuning tea
day 23: susu soya mix tobleron 4 patah karipap pusing 2 karipapa kuning 1 bun 1 ayam kfc 2 pizza pepeorni 1 burger colonel 1 tea
day 24: pizza 1 half tea mee goreng sikit popia 1 baulu 1 lunch sup campur lauk brabus labu lamak lemon tea
day 25: tea 2 bun klmari ayam kicap cangkuk manis 2 dunk!ndun0t cupocino 1 triangle tuna sandwich 1 today special donut 4 chicken wings! tea and i cant sleep because of coffee
day 26: jagung 1 1 and a half chicken wings tea cookies toblerone lunch chicken soup fried chicken wings half jagung 7 grapes..tlut grg kubis tea bun piasau 4baris
day 28: big breakfast black coffee white coffee classic

that big yes! nyum nyum :p late lunch fish head soup kue tiau cuppucino rsturan old town bupot
day 29: mee goreng ayam goreng telur mata karabau lemon tea cupcake cheese teh o ayam kurma damit 2 teh susu mug avon bun tausa 1 famous amos black cookies 7 dinner gulaian lauk goreng yogurt apolo cake 2 tea potato chips (!!)
days after the last day 30.. eating without desiring for rice comes naturally..
my weight caused my lil brother's small car's front tyre flat... well thats what he said
today more than 3 old colleagues said i'm round meaning i am big fat human...
today i hear that not eating rice might cause you a bad health.. but that example was caused for drinking coke and fast foods like piza fried chicken burger ..
today i have to be really really strong and believe in myself and tell myself.. the world is seeing me as ugly and overweight.. but i know that i am right working myself to make all the correction all over again.. insyaAllah
days after the last which not eating rice comes naturally...i failed.
a taste of rice makes you want for another... and i think well making an early assumptions that if i eat rice i tend to building up mucus in my throat and i cough.. so now i decide to not to eat rice again and see if it is really the reason.. experimenting myself for a better health
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