Sunday, October 28, 2012

29 something ~ 44 days to +1

Sunday 28 October 2012..

Do I forget my goals?

No I don't.

Always in my mind but... never do anything to achieve my goal...

This 29 something project is only 20% done...

Other projects???

Yeah like

2% reading

1% kanji writing...

Other in mind project all through the year?


some done some not....

Unexpected project?

100% done!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

29.something : Angan-angan

Reunion? Tak pernah pegi mana2 reunion… sekolah ka..geng matrik ka..geng ys ka… menakutkan… takut utk mlihat yg lain jauh mana suda dorg pegi… tpi ada satu kata2 tu yg menyedarkan tak pun membuatkan diri rasa bersyukur… jangan bandingkan diri kita dgn org yg ada lebih dari kita, itu tandanya kta terlampau pentingkan duniawi!(bukan benda baik!!) bandingkan diri kita dgn org yg tiada apa2… naa rasain deh loh! Alhamdulillah dengan apa yg aku ada dengan apa kawan2 kita ada… Alhamdulillah…

Apa yg tiba2 rasa mcm mo join reunion u ni rasanya sbb mcm ada something dlm hati  yg ni masih blum clear… air tenang don’t sangka tiada buaya hahhaah..tiada kaitan… mcm ni laa ni … ni bayangan reunion yg aku imagine .. dengan tema… time to forgive, time to forget, time to let go… and life goes on ^__^ (wajib ada tu ^__^?) kkrkkksktks

Mulakan hari dengan btolak dr Kbg Gjh (simbolik tmpt kuliah pertama bersama2 ostrich yg first time aku jumpa secara live! Thrill !!) kemudian naik bas sekolah kuning atau tak pun naiklaa bas u yg biru kaa dah canggih?? Ya laa ‘bkurun’ dah x tau apa cerita dr Prls… dari KGjh p laa ke kampus baru yg dinanti2kan sekian lama… pastu yg paling mcm mustahil tpi  mcm mo buat ialah…. 

Turun bas…cari dewan kuliah dan join kuliah!! Pensyarah kalau masih ada yg  time2 bljar dulu pun best tpi mesti lg best kalau join kuliah kawan2 yg dah jadi pensyarah join skali duduk kuliah dorg dgn budak2 junior!!! Sey! Pastu lg best(!) kalau kuliah tu kuliah C TAMBAH TAMBAH ..uuiinnaaa dlu2 suma tu la kunun paling membunuh,,,,… tiada basic bah alasan urg2… tpi syukur Alhamdulillah org2 ni la yg telah membesar dan berkembang mjadi lebih bertambah2 lgi power digit2 bit2 mega2 mikron2 nano2 atau apa2 jalaa yg kaitan engineer ni… tpi aku angkat tangan laa pasal tak masuk topic dah skrang… kalau yg pompuan prnh tgk drama jipun with love… seperti ni laa… aku mengajar anak2 di desa yg aman..cheewah! tak la desa pun…kampong halaman ^____________^ (lama suda ku merantau dari umur 13 lg bah..o tu blkg kira.)..ok sampai mana suda???oo…aa.. masuk kuliah buat2 quiz2 la kunun… dlm sjam kuliah ka,…. Ada la tu kunun yg tdur2… paling best duduk blkg… pastu..3..

Lps kuliah tu aa…special show dr org2 yg pernah join battle of the band? Suatu ketika dulu d Kmpng y…waaa… mcm konsert pun ada… walaupun mungkin org2 band tu dah lupa cmna nak  main gitar2nya…lipsync ka miming boleh kut?? Ada lg ni simpan video2 time tgk dorg2 ni main… jdi siapa2 yg main dlu baik mengaku! Angkat tangan sblum rakaman sebenar dipertontonkan huahahahha… ..lps hiburan… 

aaa lupa!!! Kalau kuliah mesti ada makmal! Jumpa JP! Aa tu pun best ada juga tu kawan yg jd JP kan? Kan? Kan???? Dan paling simbolik pastilah… osiloskop??? Ngam ka tu? Hilang ingatan… ya laa makin +1 bah umur (Utk bbrpa org laa batch kta ni)… :p…calibrate!! Huhu btapa MENGHANTUINYA LAAA benda tu dlu2… trus apa2 ayat mesti mo guna calibrate dlu… aku laa..org2 lain x taulaa,,,… hum….

Sudah penat kuliah… makmal pun sudah… show pun sudah… kta pgi lunch makan bli sendiri… kita back to the future la ni sbenarnya… habis makan solat smua… pastu apa lgi???... aaa!!! Paling best aktiviti jalan kaki ala2 10km yg slalu kita buat tahun2!!!!! (Jgn kamu lari!!!!) simboliknya kta buat la kerja2 amal dmna2 la yg memerlukan … smpi la ptg… malam p la makan apa2 yg dibakar di Prls tu…sapa yg btahan borak la sampai pagi…. Maka berakhirlaa satu kisah 4 tahun dlm sehari… 

Kesimpulannya sure masa tu apa2 yg terbuku di dada dpt dkluarkan… dmaafkan, dlupakan dan dlepaskan…dan teruskan hidup kta skrg…baru ringan rasa badan… dan bebas!

Satu benda aku ingat time2 kuliah dlu… jd engineer ni mcm susah… tpi boleh pindah2… dan ada yg jd lecturer… dan akhir sekali dorg ni pilih to be happy… maksudnya buat benda yg engineer ni suka laa… I choose happiness from the start =D (lecturer kat maktab aku cakap b***s**t bila aku ckp aku bkn engineer… aa satu soalan tu..kalau org yg grad dgn ijazah engineering kira engineer kaa?? Bukan bah kann???? Kerana x pasti tu laaa aku x jd engineer atau yg swaktu dengannya… hahhaha rasanya aku nda kisah pun hehehhe)…. 

Taaaapi ada satu lagi kisah seorang insan yg bermula dengan menjadi seorang guru (sekarang dah ada Dr.) berkata… saya khawin dengan engineer… saya kata pada bapak mentua (time tu dia guru biasa jak…kawin sama engineer ada lain juga tu…yg engineer tu wife)..dia kata… saya engineer orang’ kata2 tu pun aku mcm pernah ckp pada diri sendiri walaupun aku bukan engineer yg engineer tu… aku engineer org… yg maksudnya aku didik anak2 yg kecil2 ni utk jdi tahu benda2 asas, benda2 yg ada dsekeliling kita ni… yg bg input sikit2 kat yg kecil ni … sbb yg lainnya dorg sendiri laa yg akan fikir, buat dan kembangkan… mcm komputer(?) org program utk benda tu mula mprogram sendiri dan buat lebih dr yg kta mau.. kalau salah tolong betulkan… bljr kan sampai tua >___<

Aaa lupa! Penutup~Ambil gmbr sbijik kedudukan kta mcm gmbr yg 1batch depan kolej kediaman… situlaa kta tengok before and after…

~the end~

Saturday, July 28, 2012

29.something ~ Read!ng

Bought the book 2 weeks ago...and those are the pages I read so far. the price was quite reasonable for a book as thick as a text book and looks like a study book for exam. My friend and I were very excited when we read the synopsis and by the title of the book, something historical and mystery and theory which we really want to know is it for real? that is why I decided to buy the book (as a way of wasting my money positively?? duh...) why do i took so long to read the book ?,,, actually after i bought the book and home, i happened to search the net about it,.,, just wanting to know what people got to say about it, is true that 10,000 copies had been sold?!?!?? and i read this blog u write anything u like, your thoughts and if u r good enough people responses and leave comments,,,and just for this book it makes me read the book with prejudice... i shouldn't have read the comments in the internet... because my anticipation in reading this book slowly fading away... every words and sentences are meaningless... humm... but today is a very boring.... but refreshing hot saturday... i think i will find the courage to read the book till the end... reading it from different perspective and try not to judge what had been written in it... let just pretend it is a fairytale story!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

29..6(!) ~ zOo @ffa!r

Best friend!
The Best!
roses are red..this one???
a walk of dream..

Not now..

~ The End ~

Monday, June 11, 2012

29.something : Happy

Alhamdulillah. I am thankful to Allah for making me feel very very happy today… for no specific reason. I am thankful to see the sun bright up the morning even though I was so sleepy and running late for work. Thankful that even though I was late for school, I am still in control of myself. I am thankful and happy for being able to do work because I want to. I am thankful to Allah and happy that my pupils makes me happy no matter how much they don’t want to listen to me, no matter how much they resist the lesson no matter how much freedom that they get when I am in the their classroom. I am thankful that my pupils are changing to an unexpected attitude and it makes me happy for even for a simple change it makes me happy, very happy. It makes me happy that I can buy food that my parents like. It makes me happy to see the smiley face of my nephew when I got home from school, it makes happy to see my little niece sleeping soundly in her crib. It makes me happy because I can feel happiness in me. I am thankful to Allah for feeling the smile in my heart. I thank Allah the Almighty for giving me the feeling of happiness from deep inside of me. Thank you Allah ^____________^

Thursday, May 17, 2012

29.something ~ another bus ride

I almost forgot that life is like a bus i always thought. then again, i had another bus ride...a quite long one after the last one, four years ago. The 'bus ride' to Yogyakarta, Indonesia was like getting on and getting off the three weeks felt like only three days. WHY? First day, new people were like strangers, second day we were like friends forever, third day the last day, I don't want to leave my BFF! How simple life can be when there is sooooo much fun!!!!!!!! Maybe we make it that way, its not about having fun really, going there..its for education purpose but then again..for foreigner like me..its like hey?!?! take your time ^__^

what makes it more fun was thanks to my camera and my liking of taking pictures like snap! snap! snap! then share it and who doesn't like to be in a photo? well, me. Seeing my self in a picture was like WOW! miracle..see the hardest one to see in a photo is me because i was busy taking photographs. but i love that when they like the pictures i took..not that like a pro but hey as long as the photo look nice and i love it when they are happy.

and here my views of Jogja