Friday, October 23, 2009


changing the light bulb~fresh new light bit dark some budget (change 40w to 18w.blnjawan 2010)..our cramped small 'office' look a little bit like in a 60's movie.

something that cross my mind..evil thoughts(i guess its the light bulb..ideas popped out)

a leader is someone who have the guts to make other people miserable.
people who works with the leader is the follower ; someone who...when the leader say this 'do this'..'ok'..and when the leader say, 'do this and if u can do this other things will be great '..and the follower says '..ok...aa...but..i dont think i can do the other one'

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Raya 2009

Raya this year..sederhana saja...tema color ndada sbnrnya...tpi mcm first day raya...

tpi tahun ni perang bunga api..badil2an...ididih dari malam 1ramadhan lg suda belatupan,...sampai tah malam ani..mcm nda da suda bunyinya...tpi rupanya ada jua lg tinggal yg inda kuat2..

i'm a freak

my mind are not straight enough to think ahead..i have a mind different from other people...some things might be important to other people but not for me..i don't think ahead.. low in motivation..i don't know what to expect at the end of the road..but if its for the second chance perhaps i know what to do...

i ,who have a mind like the road..its not moving straight.